Changelog - SAP Service Cloud V2 for Utilities Master Data Integration with SAP S/4HANA ********************************************************************************************************* 13.11.2024 + Bug Fix - Replicate Utilities Contract Account from SAP S4HANA - Updated the message mapping 'S4H_CNS_Replicate_UtilitiesContractAccount' to fix a bug by deleting the mapping for the field 'dunningParty', which was previously mapped to the S4 field 'DunningProcedureCode' ********************************************************************************************************* 29.07.2024 + Added a new Integration flow, 'Replicate Utilities Premise Connection Object from S4HANA,' for premise and connection object replication. - Please note that the old Integration flow 'DEPRECATED - Replicate Utilities Technical Master Data from SAP S4HANA' and 'DEPRECATED - Replicate Utilities Technical Master Data from S4HANA Extensibility' are now obsolete. If these Integration flows are deployed, undeploy them and deploy the new Integration flow 'Replicate Utilities Premise Connection Object from S4HANA' for premise replication. + Updated the Integration flow name from 'Replicate Utilities Contract Account from SAP S4HANA Extensibility' to 'Replicate Utilities Contract Account from SAP S4HANA' and the entitiy name, Receiver HTTP adapter address url. Because of these changes, it is mandatory to redeploy the latest version (1.1.0) to ensure successful contract account replication. + + Deprecated the following iFlows: - DEPRECATED - Replicate Utilities Contract Account from SAP S4HANA - DEPRECATED - Replicate Utilities Technical Master Data from SAP S4HANA Extensibility - DEPRECATED - Replicate Utilities Technical Master Data from SAP S4HANA ********************************************************************************************************** 13.12.2023 + Added: SAP Cloud Integration Utilities Integration flow list, in the Documents tab. ********************************************************************************************************** 29-03-2024 + Added: Added the following two integration Flows, which can be used to extend the existing standard iFlows(Extensibility). These integration Flows have the capability to call the exit iFlow and can implement the exit iFlow as per the customer requirement. Going forward, the other two old iFlows will be deprecated, while these two new iFlows will remain active. + Replicate Utilities Contract Account from SAP S4HANA Extensibility + Replicate Utilities Technical Master Data from S4HANA Extensibility **********************************************************************************************************