May 2024 package version 3.5.0 -Update to Google Ads API V16 February 2024 package version 3.4.0 -Update to Google Ads API V15 -The Google Ads API v15 introduces the Consent object. The Consent object contains 2 new fields ad_user_data and ad_personalization. As per Google's requirement, both shall have value GRANTED to allow Ads for a contact. This is to comply with the European Data Protection and Privacy rules. For more information, see The permission in SAP Marketing Cloud for the GOOGLE_ADS communication medium works as follows: -An opt-in for GOOGLE_ADS, is an opt-in for ad_user_data and ad_personalization. -An opt-out for GOOGLE_ADS, is an opt-out for both ad_user_data and ad_personalization. You must: -Ensure that you have set up the proper configuration on the implicit permissions based on the countries' regulations. For more details, see Define Marketing Permission Check | SAP Help Portal. -Upload in SAP Marketing Cloud the GOOGLE_ADS permission based on the consent that you get from the contacts. Artifact update -Google Ads API Common -Create Customer List in Google Ads August 2023 package version 3.3.0 -Update to Google Ads API V14 -Enable certificate based authentication between customer tenant and central tenant Artifact update -Create Customer List in Google Ads -Read Accounts from Google Ads -Read Campaigns from Google Ads -Read Campaign Performance Report from Google Ads -Google Ads API Common New artifact introduced -Forward request to Google Ads February 2023 package version 3.2.0 -Update to Google Ads API v12. Artifact update -Google Ads API Common Artifacts removal after deprecation announcement - Assign Customer List to Google Ads Campaign - Create Campaign in Google AdWords October 2022 Important Announcement Google announce the deprecation of OAuth out-of-band flow from Oct 3, 2022. Please refer to the following Google blog post for more information. package version 3.1.0 -Major change on switching OAuth flow,and update to Google Ads API v11. Artifact update -Google Ads API Common -Create Customer List in Google Ads -Read Accounts from Google Ads -Read Campaign Performance Report from Google Ads -Read Campaigns from Google Ads New artifact introduced: -Read OAuth token in CPI Artifact deprecation -Authenticate User Access to Google Ads -Refresh OAuth token from Google -Set scheduler for Google token exchange June 2022 Artifact update -Read Campaigns from Google Ads, version 3.0.1 Add logic to retrieve video information related to Google Ads video campaigns. January 2022 Important Announcement Google AdWords API will sunset on April 27, 2022. The latest CPI Package version 3.0.0 will support the migration from AdWords API to Ads API v9. Google Ads API Deprecation and Sunset is published at Artifact update -Create Customer List in Google Ads -Google Ads API Common -Read Accounts from Google Ads -Read Campaign Performance Report from Google Ads -Read Campaigns from Google Ads Summary of the functionalities update -adjust the mapping logic to be compatible with Google Ads API v9 -improve logging on exception handling, no longer use externalized parameters ENABLE_LOGGING -create Script Collection for common logic -clean up migration logic for OAuth token scheduler Artifact deprecation - Assign Customer List to Google Ads Campaign - Create Campaign in Google AdWords December 2019 Artifact update -Read Campaign Performance Report from Google Ads, version 2.0.1 Add logic to handle the adjust Performance Report, as the report should not be filtered by service status. August 2019 Major package update from version 1.1.0 to 2.0.0. All Artifacts have been refactored to version 2.0.0. Artifact update: -Improved performance for the connection between iFlows, using the ProcessDirect adaptor. -Added scheduler to update the Google tokens on a regular basis. -Stored Google tokens via global variable for easy access among multiple worker nodes. -Logic about Google Ads version migration is handled locally. -Add external parameter USE_BACKUP_TENANT for switching connection from US to EU central tenant. -Support phone number transfer in user list. New artifacts introduced in this release: -Refresh OAuth token from Google, version 2.0.0 -Set scheduler for Google token exchange, version 2.0.0 July 2019 Update short description of artifacts in the package. Bug fixing: -Connection timeouts with central tenant, when Google service takes longer than 1 minute to complete. The timeout limit is raised to 10 minutes on the following artifacts: Create Customer Email List in Google AdWords, version 1.1.2 Read Campaign Performance Report from Google AdWords, version 1.1.2 April 2019 All Artifacts in version 1.1.1 contain the following changes: -Update the connections to central tenant, due to CPI tenant migration -Add external parameter to turn on or turn off the detailed logs in iFlows Bug fixing: -Error on update the OAuth token in "Create Customer Email List in Google AdWords" Integration Guide update: -Setting Up Google Ads -Create an SAP Support Ticket -Set up the OAuth 2.0 Tokens -Enabling Logging for iFlows January 2019 Artifact update -Add Logging scripts for a better traceability in "Authenticate User Access to Google AdWords" -Reinforce string conversion for input parameters, when using method toCharArray in the Groovy scripts. It is applied to all artifacts. Bug fixing -External parameter does not show in configuration in "Read Accounts from Google AdWords". Description update -"Authenticate User Access to Google AdWords" -"Read Campaigns from Google AdWords" November 2018 Package texts update -Title, description, and document URL description were changed due to the Google rebranding. August 2018 Package texts update -Integration package title and descriptions were changed due to rebranding of SAP Marketing Cloud/SAP Marketing. June 2018 -URL documents are replacing PDF file documents. -Documents updated for the integration with SAP Hybris Marketing On-Premise, and the integration with SAP Hybris Marketing Cloud. -Fixed the corrupted artifact