locale,externalId ,attributeName,level1Description,level2Description,level3Description,level4Description,level5Description,level6Description,level7Description,level8Description,level9Description,level10Description en_US,101-1502,R Lang,Basic understanding of the skill limited application.,Functional knowledge of the skill can apply it in common situations.,In-depth understanding of the skill can apply it in complex scenarios.,Extensive knowledge and experience with the skill can act as a resource.,Exceptional proficiency in the skill can innovate and lead in the field.,,,,, fr_FR,101-1502,R Lang,Connaissance de base de la compˇtence application limitˇe.,Connaissance fonctionnelle de la compˇtence capable de lappliquer dans des situations courantes.,Comprˇhension approfondie de la compˇtence capable de lappliquer dans des scˇnarios complexes.,Expertise et expˇrience ˇtendues de la compˇtence capable de servir de ressource.,Ma”trise exceptionnelle de la compˇtence capable dinnover et de diriger dans le domaine.,,,,, en_US,101-1486,Python Lang,Basic understanding of the skill limited application.,Functional knowledge of the skill can apply it in common situations.,In-depth understanding of the skill can apply it in complex scenarios.,Extensive knowledge and experience with the skill can act as a resource.,Exceptional proficiency in the skill can innovate and lead in the field.,,,,, en_US,101-3132,Comunication,Can convey simple messages clearly and concisely.,Can adapt communication style to different audiences.,Can influence and persuade others through effective communication.,Can build strong relationships through effective communication.,Exceptional communication skills including cross-cultural communication and crisis management.,Can build strong relationships through effective communication.,,,,