Change log of the integration package: Digital Manufacturing Execution Integration Templates Latest update date time: 2020-11-06 1.14.1 Update the Official initial Guide to latest 1.14.0 Change mode to editable 1.13.0 Below artifact of templates are uploaded or refreshed LOIWCS03_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER LOIWCS03_CUSTOM_SERVICE Z_MATMAS03_CUSTOM_SERVICE Z_MATMAS03_CUSTOM_PREXSLT Z_MATMAS03_CUSTOM_POSTXSLT Z_MATMAS03_CUSTOM_POSTSERVICE Z_MATMAS03_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER Z_MATMAS04_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER Z_MATMAS04_CUSTOM_POSTSERVICE Z_MATMAS04_CUSTOM_POSTXSLT Z_MATMAS04_CUSTOM_PREXSLT Z_MATMAS04_CUSTOM_SERVICE Z_MATMAS05_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER Z_MATMAS05_CUSTOM_POSTSERVICE Z_MATMAS05_CUSTOM_POSTXSLT Z_MATMAS05_CUSTOM_PREXSLT Z_MATMAS05_CUSTOM_SERVICE Z_ZMNMAT03_CUSTOM_SERVICE Z_ZMNMAT03_CUSTOM_PREXSLT Z_ZMNMAT03_CUSTOM_POSTXSLT Z_ZMNMAT03_CUSTOM_POSTSERVICE Z_ZMNMAT03_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER BOMMAT04_CUSTOM_SERVICE BOMMAT04_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER BOMMAT05_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER BOMMAT05_CUSTOM_SERVICE Z_LOIROU04_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER Z_LOIROU04_CUSTOM_SERVICE LOIROU04_MASTER_RECIPE_CUSTOM_SERVICE LOIROU04_MASTER_RECIPE_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER INVCON02_CUSTOM_SERVICE INVCON02_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER INVCON03_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER INVCON03_CUSTOM_SERVICE LOIPRO04_CUSTOM_SERVICE LOIPRO04_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER LOIPRO05_PROCORDER_CUSTOM_SERVICE LOIPRO05_PROCORDER_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER LOIPRO05_PRODORDER_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER LOIPRO05_PRODORDER_CUSTOM_SERVICE LOIPRO05_PRODORDER_V2_CUSTOM_SERVICE productionOrderComplete_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER productionOrderComplete_CUSTOM_POSTSERVICE productionOrderComplete_CUSTOM_PREXSLT productionOrderComplete_CUSTOM_SERVICE updateShopOrderSchedule_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER updateShopOrderSchedule_CUSTOM_SERVICE releaseShopOrder_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER releaseShopOrder_CUSTOM_SERVICE maintainInventory_CUSTOM_SERVICE maintainInventory_CUSTOM_POSTSERVICE maintainInventory_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER componentAdd_CUSTOM_SERVICE componentAdd_CUSTOM_POSTSERVICE componentAdd_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER ewmSingleOrderStaging_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER ewmSingleOrderStaging_CUSTOM_POSTSERVICE ewmSingleOrderStaging_CUSTOM_SERVICE ewmReadStock_CUSTOM_SERVICE ewmReadStock_CUSTOM_POSTSERVICE ewmReadStock_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER ewmGoodsIssue_CUSTOM_SERVICE ewmGoodsIssue_CUSTOM_POSTSERVICE ewmGoodsIssue_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER ewmGoodsReceipt_CUSTOM_SERVICE ewmGoodsReceipt_CUSTOM_POSTSERVICE ewmGoodsReceipt_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER EQUIPMENT_CREATE02_CUSTOM_ERRORHANDLER EQUIPMENT_CREATE02_CUSTOM_SERVICE ewmStagingRequest_CUSTOM_SERVICE WarehouseRequestStatus_CUSTOM_SERVICE 1.8.1 +LOIROU04_Request.xslt changed svk mapping logic 1.8.0 + Support for IDoc type: EQUIPMENT_CREATE02 - add artifacts workflow (include Tool EQUIPMENT_CREATE02 process request and Tool EQUIPMENT_CREATE02 handle exception) 1.7.3 + Fix ShopOrder Complete failed issue - Remove the invocation of deprecated string parameter COMMON_RFC_TARGET_URL from iflow productionOrderComplete_CUSTOM_POSTSERVICE 1.7.0 + Improve all iflow names to meet the guideline mentioned in Governance Guideline + Disable File logging mode for all logger.groovy + Support for IDOC type: INVCON02 - add artifacts workflow (include Inventory INVCON02 process request, Inventory INVCON02 handle exception) + Support for IDOC type: BOMMAT04 - add artifacts workflow (include BOM BOMMAT04 process request, BOM BOMMAT04 handle exception) + Enable integration with EWM - Enabel EWM single order staging and confirmation - Enable EWM goods issue - Enable Ewm goods receipt 1.6.0 + Send confirm transaction to support SPRO confirmation in queue activated - update artifacts workflow (include ShopOrderComplete - Pre-XSLT, ShopOrderComplete - Post Service, ScrapConfirmation - Service, YieldConfirmation - Service) + Support for IDOC type: LOIWCS03 - add artifacts workflow (include WorkCenter_LOIWCS03 - Service, WorkCenter_LOIWCS03 - Error Handler) + Fix erpComponentsOption condition - update YieldConfirmation_Request.xslt 1.5.0 + Support for IDOC type: INVCON03 - add artifacts workflow (include Inventory_INVCON03 - Service, Inventory_INVCON03 - Error Handler) + Support maintain inventory - DME-S/4 On-Prem (Collaboration framework) - add artifacts workflow (include MaintainInventory - Service, MaintainInventory - Post Service, MaintainInventory - Error Handler) 1.4.0 + Support for IDOC type: BOMMAT05, LOIROU04 - New artifacts (include service, error handler) + Support multiple ERP - Update artifacts to support fetch ERP destination based on supported plant + Support post GR/GI - DME-S/4 On-Premise - Update XSLT files to deal with GI/GR parameters from ERP + Support message monitor - Update artifacts to support new version message monitor function 1.3.0 + Enable material and procurement type of MATMAS03 and ZMNMAT03 + Update description of artifacts: iflow -> integration flow 1.2.0 + Refactor Error Handler + Refactor log information of LOIPRO04 for message monitoring function + Optimize properties' output of ZMNMAT03, MATMAS03, LOIPRO04 + Optimize fetch token process of ZMNMAT03, MATMAS03, LOIPRO04 + Support REO - ShopOrder Schedule Update 1.1.0 + Enable the support of IDOC type ZMNMAT03 + Not support LOIPRO03 from this version + Refactor XSLT file of LOIPRO04 and MATMAS03 request + Fix ShopOrderComplete bug: PRE_XSLT Iflow is not triggered 1.0.0 First version delivered + Support for IDOC type: MATMAS03, LOIPRO03, LOIPRO04 + Support Outbound operations for LOIPRO03 and LOIPRO04 -- comments -- MATMAS, LOIPRO, ZMNMAT - IDOC types REO - Resource Orchestration AIN - SAP Asset Intelligence Network